Monday, September 26, 2011

#99 Toy Story

#99 Toy Story (1995) 80 mins.

Released in 1995 as the first of many amazing Pixar releases that have entertained countless families for over 16 years.

We've probably all seen Toy Story and know how good it is.  I have a hard time really understanding how it did not score higher on the list.  I would have rather seen Toy Story closer to the mid 60s.  It was truly a groundbreaking film and technology.

Tom Hanks and Tim Allen steal the show and continue to do so with the releases of  Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 3.

Always with Disney and Pixar there are many hidden jokes and gems for you to find.  Just this viewing I noticed that Buzz Lightyear pushes a toolbox off a milkcrate to free Woody, the toolbox has a Binford Tools logo on in.  A clear nod to Tim Allen's gig of Home Improvement at the time of production.

Pixar does release some good movies and they almost never fail.  Well...maybe not A Bug's Life, but Ratatouille has got to be up there as probably my favorite.

Movies Watched: 2
Movies to go: 98
Total Viewing Time:  292 min.

Up Next...#98 Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942)

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