Thursday, September 29, 2011

#98 Yankee Doodle Dandy

#98 Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942) 126 mins.

Ok, I freely admit that I probably never had picked this to be in my top 100 or to even watch. However, watching movies that i normally wouldn't is the reason for going through the list. 

James Cagney portrays George Cohan, in this pseudo bio-pc. Like other movies made during WW II there is a very patriotic theme. Oh, it's also a half step away from being a full blow musical. Some of the songs include: "The Yankee Doodle Boy", "Over There", "You're a Grand Old Flag", "(I Wish I Was in) Dixie's Land", "The Battle Hymn of the Republic", "America, My Country 'Tis of Thee", etc. You get the point, they did everything but try to sell War Bonds.

Even with songs, this film barely kept my attention.  I literally had to rewind twice to watch portions that I dozed off during watching. And note to self, add new rule don't watch films in bed after 10 pm.  I see my list of rules growing and they are beginning to sound like the rules from Gremlins.

While on the topic of rules and not feeding after midnight, I'm going to add another rule as well.  Popcorn, my sister Sara reminded me the other day that Boy Scout popcorn sale is coming up soon.  I have tons of popcorn left over from the last sale and as well as mini micowave bags that I gave out as Halloween treats.  the Halloween ones i thought were a great idea.  But anyways, I need to get rid of some of these and eating a bag during each film sounds like a plan to me.

In conclusion, I could have seen this film not even making the list.  It was #100 in the 1997 list and was luck to move up the two spots in the ten years between the polling.

Movies Watched: 3
Movies to go: 97
Total Running Time: 418 min.

Up next: #97 Blade Runner (1982)

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