Saturday, October 1, 2011

Updated rules.

I'd been asked to update my list of rules.  It's seems to be like a gremlins kind of list now.

  1. Watch ALL 100 movies.
  2. Watch them in order.
  3. Watch at least 2 a week.
  4. Write a short review of each in this blog.
  5. Not to watch any film in bed after 10 pm.
  6. Eat a bag of popcorn while watch each movie.
  7. (New rule) I must watch  10% of #100-#26, 20% of  #25-#11, 50% of #10-6, and all of #5-#1 with someone.  This may be the hardest rule.
Tonight I'll be watching #97 Bladerunner, and maybe #96 Do the Right Thing.

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