Thursday, October 13, 2011

#93 The French Connection

#93 The French Connection (1971) 104 min.

Viewed on Tuesday, Oct. 11th.
Gene Hackman and Roy Scheider star in this cop-detective drama. They are narcotic detectives that have a hunch some big deal is about to go down.  They spend the rest of the film following and chasing the bad guys, trying to convince the brass they are right, and shaking down informants for information.

The chase scenes and the tail the french guy were my favorite parts.  The ending left something to be desired. You know the kind where you think something big is going to happen and then the screen fades to black and it's over.  that's exactly what happens.

I didn't hate it, I didn't love it, it was just OK.  It's really the kind of movie they would play on TV if a baseball game is on a long rain delay.

Movies watched: 8
Movies to go: 92
Total running time: 1,031 mins.

Up next #92 Goodfellas.

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