Saturday, October 1, 2011

#97 Blade Runner

#97 Blade Runner (1982) 117 min.

To be perfectly honest, I have not effing idea what this movie was about.  And why does every film from the 70s or 80s that takes place in the 2010's have to be in an urban sprawl, that's always dark, rainy, cluttered, and a society that's taken on an oriental flavor?

Here's what I got from Blade Runner:

Harrison Ford: I hunt down replicants and dislike them, but I don't know why.
Rutger Howard: I'm a replicant and don't know why, but I hate those who made us
Harrison Ford: I think I love a replicant...
Rutger Howard: You should know what it's like to fear death. Then I'll kill you
Harrison Ford: Don't kill me
Rutger Howard: I'll save you, life is precious.
Harrison Ford: Thank you and I love that other replicant


Like I said, i have no idea if I like or don't like this movie.  I prefer my Harrison Ford as Han Solo or Dr. Jones

Movies Watched: 4
Movies to go: 96
Total Running Time: 535 min.

Up next # 96 Do The Right Thing.

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