Friday, October 14, 2011

#92 Goodfellas

#92 Goodfellas (1990) 146 min.

I am really surprised that Goodfellas is this far down on the list.  I've seen this movies plenty of times.  You know the kind of movie you'll watch on TV if you find it while flipping through channels. You sit through commercials and badly over dubbed audio, even though you have a copy on DVD ready to pop it.

Once again I noticed something.  Samuel L. Jackson has a bit part in this. Maybe one of two lines, but it's him.  And apparently Tommy's mother in the movies is played by director Martin Scorsese's actual mother.

I'm going to do some research and see which actor/actress has the most movies in the Top 100.

Anyways...great movie, great actors, great director, great story.  I'f you've been living under a rock for the last 21 years and have not seen it, you should get it this weekend.  And no, it's not suitable for people who don't like violence, drugs, sex, and swearing every 3 seconds.  But hey, that's part of the charm of this movie.

Movies Watched: 9
Movies to go: 91
Total running time:  1,177 mins

Up next: #91 Sophie's Choice (1982)

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