Monday, October 10, 2011

#95 The Last Picture Show

#95 The Last Picture Show (1971) 118 mins.

Watched this on Friday Oct 7th.
A retro type film from 1971, filmed in B&W, taking place in the 50's. It takes place in a run down dying town in Texas.  A coming of age film with a few young stars. Cybill Shepherd, Jeff Bridges, Cloris Leachman (ok, not so young), and Dennis Quaid.

All the kids are trying to figure out what to do with their lives and where they should go.  Nobody really makes any good decisions, tumbleweeds and dust blow through the town, and Billy gets hit by a cattle truck.

Probably another one I won't watch again.  It just kept going on and on until most everyone leaves town or dies.

Movies watched: 6
Movies to go: 94
Total Running time: 773

Up next: #94 Pulp Fiction (1994)

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