Wednesday, October 19, 2011

#90 Swing Time

#90 Swing Time  (1936) 103 mins.

Not a bad movies at all.  It's Fed & Ginger movie, so there's lots of singing and dancing, I really didn't mind too much.  There was an actual plot line. Now granted, it's not a very complex one, but one none the less.  Just a nice little film; not a lot of action, no secret plot twists, just a film to pass the time and feel good.

Fred plays "Lucky" a gambler/dancer that need $25,000 to marry this girl, not Ginger. He goes to NYC to win the cash.  He meet Ginger "Penny" and comedy ensues.  And yes They fall in love, sing songs, and of course dance.  And yes, Luck Penny are their names.

Sidenotes: The song "The Way You Look Tonight" was first sung in this movie.  And Fred dances in blackface, hey it was 1936.

Movies watched: 11
Movies to go: 89
Total Runnning time: 1,430

Up Next: #89 The Sixth Sense (1999)

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