Monday, October 17, 2011

#91 Sophie's Choice

#91 Sophie's Choice (1982) 150 mins.

Viewed on Saturday Oct 15th
This movie was odd.  I was not expecting by any stretch of the imagination that Auschwitz would be the setting for a scene in this movie.

I wholly expected for the "choice" would have to had been made would be the one to choose a person. However I expected it to be Nathan or Stingo being chosen. Not the actual choice that was made.

Meryl Streep won an Oscar and a Golden Globe for this and it was deserved.  She had lines in English, German, and Polish.  Kevlin Kline wasn't too bad either. Peter MacNicol I gotta admit out of all the shows he's been in my mind said, "Hey, ins't that that guy from Ghostbusters II?"

Anyways...pretty good movie, I might watch it again someday.

Movies Watched: 10
Movies to go: 90
Total running time: 1,327 mins.

Up next: #90 Swing Time (1936)

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