Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The General Idea

So here's what is going on.  I'm burnt out on watching random movies and TV shows.  I need some sort of plan for my viewing pleasure.

About two years ago I came across the AFI Top 100 Movies list (2007 version), I went through and checked off what I had already seen and then started watching some that I had not seen.  Well...just picking one out of the list every once in a while did not work.  I think Lawrence of Arabia sat on my table for like a month, before sending it back unwatched.  I think my count after this failed attempt put my total viewed somewhere around 40.

The plan is to watch all 100 movies in order, starting at #100 (Ben-Hur) and finishing with #1 (Citizen Kane).  I of course belong to Netflix and started entering them into my queue.  All but 1 are available with Netflix; about 35 of the titles are available on Blu-ray and about 20 are available through streaming.  The only title not available is  "Shane",  a western from the 50s.

My first thought is to watch at least two films a week and my finish will be around Labor Day next year.  However, anyone who has watched movies with me knows that I can watch 2 a day and more on the weekends.  My Netflix membership allows my 2 disks out at a time and unlimited streaming.  With the quick turnaround time with the disks and streaming, I could do much more than two in a week.

The rules for this project are simple.  Watch ALL 100 in order, write a quick and simple review on this blog, watch at least two movies a week, and keep track of the total running time of the movies.

Netflix should have the first two movies in my mailbox tomorrow #100 Ben-Hur and #99 Toy Story

Here is a link to a PDF of the AFI Top 100 list, if you care to play along.

1 comment:

  1. Paul, I would love to play along!! I am an avid movie watcher and think this is an awesome idea!!! I will start throwing them on my Netflix list also!! Time to print off the list!! Maybe I will even blog about it too so we can compare!!
