Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fallen Behind

Yes..I know this would happen.  I have not kept up on posting updates here.  Last post I did was for #89 the Sixth Sense.  Since then I have watched several movies and I am up to #84 Easy Rider.  I am waiting on finding a copy of #83 Titanic, so I can move on.  I'll try to get some more done tonight.

Monday, October 24, 2011

#89 The Sixth Sense

# 89 the Sixth Sense (1999) 107 mins.

Viewed on Friday Oct 21st

I believe that this may be the first movie on the list that I actually saw in the theatre. And I gotta say, I'm not much or a scary movie guy.  Ok, give me some zombies and I'll watch. But, I have no love for most of them.  I remembered most of the "gottcha" moments that are meant to scare, but one slipped past.

M. Night Shyamalan, you are a crafty bastard, Bruce Willis was dead the whole time!  Sorry for spoilers...but it's been out for over a decade.  And it I did spoil that then you probably don't want to hear the Darth Vader is really Luke's father.  Anyways, I did enjoy watching this movie from the end that I knew what was going on and tried to see all the little twists and turns.  

Great movie, perfect running time, and we got to see Donny Wahlberg post NKOTB and pre everything else to redeem himself as a human being.

Movies Watched 12:
Movies to go: 88
Total running time:  1,537 mins.

Up next: #88 Bringing Up Baby (1939)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

#90 Swing Time

#90 Swing Time  (1936) 103 mins.

Not a bad movies at all.  It's Fed & Ginger movie, so there's lots of singing and dancing, I really didn't mind too much.  There was an actual plot line. Now granted, it's not a very complex one, but one none the less.  Just a nice little film; not a lot of action, no secret plot twists, just a film to pass the time and feel good.

Fred plays "Lucky" a gambler/dancer that need $25,000 to marry this girl, not Ginger. He goes to NYC to win the cash.  He meet Ginger "Penny" and comedy ensues.  And yes They fall in love, sing songs, and of course dance.  And yes, Luck Penny are their names.

Sidenotes: The song "The Way You Look Tonight" was first sung in this movie.  And Fred dances in blackface, hey it was 1936.

Movies watched: 11
Movies to go: 89
Total Runnning time: 1,430

Up Next: #89 The Sixth Sense (1999)

Monday, October 17, 2011

#91 Sophie's Choice

#91 Sophie's Choice (1982) 150 mins.

Viewed on Saturday Oct 15th
This movie was odd.  I was not expecting by any stretch of the imagination that Auschwitz would be the setting for a scene in this movie.

I wholly expected for the "choice" would have to had been made would be the one to choose a person. However I expected it to be Nathan or Stingo being chosen. Not the actual choice that was made.

Meryl Streep won an Oscar and a Golden Globe for this and it was deserved.  She had lines in English, German, and Polish.  Kevlin Kline wasn't too bad either. Peter MacNicol I gotta admit out of all the shows he's been in my mind said, "Hey, ins't that that guy from Ghostbusters II?"

Anyways...pretty good movie, I might watch it again someday.

Movies Watched: 10
Movies to go: 90
Total running time: 1,327 mins.

Up next: #90 Swing Time (1936)

Friday, October 14, 2011

#92 Goodfellas

#92 Goodfellas (1990) 146 min.

I am really surprised that Goodfellas is this far down on the list.  I've seen this movies plenty of times.  You know the kind of movie you'll watch on TV if you find it while flipping through channels. You sit through commercials and badly over dubbed audio, even though you have a copy on DVD ready to pop it.

Once again I noticed something.  Samuel L. Jackson has a bit part in this. Maybe one of two lines, but it's him.  And apparently Tommy's mother in the movies is played by director Martin Scorsese's actual mother.

I'm going to do some research and see which actor/actress has the most movies in the Top 100.

Anyways...great movie, great actors, great director, great story.  I'f you've been living under a rock for the last 21 years and have not seen it, you should get it this weekend.  And no, it's not suitable for people who don't like violence, drugs, sex, and swearing every 3 seconds.  But hey, that's part of the charm of this movie.

Movies Watched: 9
Movies to go: 91
Total running time:  1,177 mins

Up next: #91 Sophie's Choice (1982)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

#93 The French Connection

#93 The French Connection (1971) 104 min.

Viewed on Tuesday, Oct. 11th.
Gene Hackman and Roy Scheider star in this cop-detective drama. They are narcotic detectives that have a hunch some big deal is about to go down.  They spend the rest of the film following and chasing the bad guys, trying to convince the brass they are right, and shaking down informants for information.

The chase scenes and the tail the french guy were my favorite parts.  The ending left something to be desired. You know the kind where you think something big is going to happen and then the screen fades to black and it's over.  that's exactly what happens.

I didn't hate it, I didn't love it, it was just OK.  It's really the kind of movie they would play on TV if a baseball game is on a long rain delay.

Movies watched: 8
Movies to go: 92
Total running time: 1,031 mins.

Up next #92 Goodfellas.

Monday, October 10, 2011

#94 Pulp Fiction

#94 Pulp Fiction (1994) 154 mins.

Viewed Friday Oct. 7th

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."
Ezekiel 25:17

Need I say more?

Gotta love this film, had not watched it in a long time.

Movies watched: 7
Movies to go: 93
Total Running time: 927 mins.

Up next: #93 The French Connection